Mr. Doctor and Ms. Hygienist { Abbotsford Engagement Photography | Pink Plum Photography Blog}

Isn’t my cousin the most beautiful girl! I have so many unbelievable memories with her and her family. She is the most fun person and she loves to love and loves to laugh. When we met jake we felt the same way about him. He just adores her and they are just so perfect together. They both have such huge dreams and i know that their life together will always be an adventure. Can’t wait to spend many more holidays together! I love you guys!

Seriously Stunning { Abbotsford Wedding Photography | Pink Plum Photography Blog }

I know what a lot of you are thinking…. “Your NOT allowed to take pictures up at the Abby anymore.” This wedding was taken a year ago and i just came across it again. It was such a perfect day with such an amazing couple who loved each other. Thanks guys for letting me capture your special day!

Boston Bridge { Abbotsford family/Child Photography | Pink Plum Photography Blog }

I’ve gotten the privilege of photographing this family several times. And each time we do we just pick up where we left off. Chelsea and i met through our husbands playing hockey together and we happen to be in the hospital together having our little girls. They are some special people and i have loved seeing them transform into amazing parents. They have the greatest hearts and i can’t wait to see little Boston grow up!

The River ran through it { Abbotsford labour/Delivery Photography | Pink Plum Photography Blog}



So if you follow my work you’ll remember this beautiful couple that got married last November. They had the most creative engagement photos and have a very unique flare to life. When this surprise can about we were all shocked yet ecstatic. She is my little sis. We do everything together and if we don’t see each other every day, which is rare we talk on the phone 2-3 times. She is my bestest friend EVER!  We though it might be a good idea that i’d come in the room while in labour strictly b/c we though James didn’t really know what was coming. I’ve photographed so many births that i though this one would be nothing different. Boy was i proved wrong. To see my best friend in so much pain was the worst EVER! I think James not only had to take care of Candy but me too. He did UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!! He was so patient, understanding, supportive, passive, encouraging. I was blown away by his calmness. James you made me even love you more for how you treated candy in the room.
So long story short after hours of labour the baby was the wrong way and it’s hand didn’t want to leave it’s head so they had to do an emergency C-Section. I was bummed b/c i knew i’d made it this far and i couldn’t go in. But an AMAZING doctor who i LOVE pulled some stings and i was able to capture my new little nephew enter the world.
Candace… You are the strongest person i know. You have determination like no one i’ve ever met and your stubborn little personality fought for this baby. I am so proud of you and can’t wait to share this new adventure with you as mommas! Alway fight for River and put your family first!
Dec 9, 2010
7lbs.13oz, 19inches long





Love the Love { Langley Engagement Photography | Pink Plum Photography Blog }

I love engagement photos. They are for sure in my top of favorites to do. They are so in love and they never seem to have a care in the world. Everything Just comes so natural and this was no different with this couple. They just adored each other and they actually couldn’t keep their eyes or hands off each other. I just love to see that love.


A surprise to come [ Abbotsford Family Photography | Pink Plum Photography blog ]

This family is just great! They were the most easy going, fun- loving, and they all have the most amazing serving hearts. A few of them were leaving to do mission work in Africa so rain or shine we were getting these done. The rain held of for us until the very end and they all had such great attitudes. And little did we all know that a few days later their son proposed and now they are starting to plan a wedding. Thanks guys for letting me capture your family!

We go way back { Langley Family/Child Photography | Pink Plum Photography Blog }

Meet the Lammers….. Dave and i go back to high school. We met in grade 8 and were friends all the way through grade 12. We were President/Vice Presidents of our high school in Grade 12. We had a special friendship and he was such a big part of my life in high school. Over the last few years I’ve gotten to know his amazing wife. We both love to talk and our kids our pretty much the same ages and love to play. Can’t wait for lots more hockey games and chats! It was so fun to watch their family and how they  are growing!


A LOVE Song { Lower Mainland Wedding Photography | Pink Plum Photography Blog }

Ok…. So meet my Handsome brother and His now BEAUTIFUL wife. I ‘m sorry that it’s such a long post but it’s my blog and my little brothers wedding so i just had too. When your brother first brings someone home you always wonder if this will be it. From day one we fell madly in love with Jenni. Not only is she the most exquisite bride but she is the most amazing person. She loves my brother and lets him be who her is. She loves our family, life and i really can’t even begin to describe her. And we’ll Cage…. it’s been so amazing watching you develop into the man you are today. You have made stands in your life and commitments and you’ve stuck to them. You are such an amazing brother and i want to thank you for always stopping by my house and putting such an effort for my family. We can’t wait to watch you guys start your own little family. It was such an honor to be able to capture your day and i feel so blessed to have both of you in my life! I LOVE LOVE you guys!